SIG España

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Why You Need to Implement the Perfect Store

perfect store

Why Implement the Perfect Store?

Firstly, it’s important to understand that achieving a “Perfect Store” doesn’t happen overnight; it’s a continuous process of improvement that requires consideration of several factors:


One of the most important factors in achieving the perfect store is defining your strategy. A good strategy involves many aspects to consider, starting with defining KPIs, identifying areas for improvement, and finally executing an action plan. The ultimate goal is to create a positive shopping experience for customers, increasing the likelihood of them returning to the store to purchase your product.


The Sales Rep is a professional figure specialized and highly trained in store management, whose main task is to supervise, organize, and ensure, as its name suggests, good management of the point of sale.Their job focuses on developing a commercial strategy that benefits both the brand and the establishment, ensuring better distribution and promotion of the product.

The Sales rep must know and control the product’s situation in the store, always with the aim of optimizing sales quickly and effectively. Therefore, it’s advisable to train your sales force with the necessary training.


At SIG Spain, thanks to our “Perfect Store” methodology, we achieve measurements that allow us to reach perfection at the POS. Through a series of tools, we ensure the Point of Sale Manager gets a real snapshot of the state of each store they visit, with a segmented measurement in different blocks. This way, our store manager details a series of indicators that show which elements of the brand need to be enhanced in each commercial establishment.We can measure different indicators such as distribution, visibility, push, or product activation.

This process allows us to optimize and clearly improve the entire management of the point of sale. Additionally, all the KPIs we work with are visible and measurable, allowing our coordination teams to quickly execute corrective strategies to achieve the set objectives.

The “Perfect Store” methodology offers a series of advantages that you cannot overlook:

  • Return Model. We align the entire strategy with our clients towards the most important part of the chain, our Sales reps.
  • Objectives broken down into different KPIs, measurable at the store level.
  • Precise tracking of each Sales Rep’s level of compliance.
  • Improvement levers are easily visualized through global objective tracking.
  • Naturally leads to the acceleration of decision-making processes and the coverage of new areas for improvement.
  • A 360 process with visible improvements in each cycle.
  • We invite you to learn more about this indicator. Contact our team.

Interested? Our commitment to the client is what makes the difference. We offer flexibility and personalized plans for all their needs. We are their hands and eyes at the point of sale, and that’s why we believe we can exceed ourselves every day, offering the best solutions for their projects.


Are you interested?

Our commitment to the client is what makes us different. We offer flexibility and customized plans for all your needs. We are your hands and eyes at the point of sale (POS), and that is why we believe that we can improve ourselves every day, offering the best solutions for your projects.

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